If You Want To Launch A Successful Podcast, Ask Yourself These Questions First

June 4, 2019
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It’s always been known that seeing is believing, but nowadays, we’re shifting more towards hearing is knowing. Podcasting isn’t the trend it once was, it’s actually a preferred way in which way we consume information, data, news, and knowledge. In fact, half of Amerian homes are listening to podcasts, with over three-quarters of them tuning in for all or for the majority of a podcast episode. That’s hours of streamlined focus from your targeted audience on your content during the waking moments of their lives spent at home – and you’re invited!

If you’ve been on the fence about whether or not to start your very own podcast, humming and hawing about how you’ll do it, can you do it, how do you do it, should you do it – this is the sign you’ve been waiting for. With so much room for opportunity and growth, the possibilities for scalability are wide. You will, however, have to put in a little elbow grease. So if you want to launch a successful podcast, run down through these questions first:

podcast writing1.) What Are My Motives?

Do you want to gain authority? Are you looking to grow your business or brand? Do you want to boost your audience numbers? Is your motivation to use podcasting as a way to make income?

These questions will help drill down your intentions, thereby shaping the content you will be sharing while in the creation stage.

2.) Am I Able To Deliver Consistently?

How much time can you dedicate to getting this thing off the ground in the beginning? Can you create a calendar you can stick to? Are you ready to devote time to all aspects – including editing, recording, researching, and writing?

Podcasters with high-engagement know that posting a podcast every week pays off. Be regular, be consistent and watch the numbers climb.

3.) Do I Have A Firm Understanding Of My Niche?

What content am I going on about for hours on end? What is it that excites me enough to research, dig, probe, discuss and invite special guests to chat with about? What are other podcasters doing in terms of similar niche and content?

Break down who your ideal listener is, and envision how you’re able to help them or what you’re able to offer. Then work back from there. Take TalkShoe’s podcast, “Slashers,” a podcast where “two guys talk to you about horror movies, because even their wives won’t listen.” This is pretty niche, but if you speak it, they will come. This show chats about beloved classics and dissects them further, allowing horror movie fans to revel in their gory glory!

4.) Is My Name “Sticky?”

Does the name of my show convey the idea of my podcast? Does it give a good first impression? Is it memorable? Does it pique curiosity?

Your title is everything! Spend some time brainstorming, and before you fall in love with one, double check multiple podcast platforms to make sure it’s original and unique!

5.) What’s An Intro And Outro?

Do you have certain details that need to be communicated with every podcast? Have you drilled down who you are, what you’re doing and can listeners find you elsewhere? Do you have a recognizable audio signature?

While your episodes should be relatively freestyle, scripting your intro and outro is a forward-thinking move that will ensure all your details are included in each and every episode. An intro is to introduce and play opening music, and an outro is to announce upcoming episodes, and remind listeners to like, subscribe, comment or visit your blog!

6.) Do I Have A Visually Engaging Thumbnail?

Have you thought about what symbol, colours or graphic language reflects your podcast? Do you know any artists or designers who can help you? Have you looked to see what the competition is doing with their thumbnails?

It may never appear larger than a postage stamp, but it’s the only visual element you have in an otherwise auditory medium! It’s to your advantage to make it look cool and attention-grabbing.

podcast idea7.) Do I Have The Right Gear?

Do you have a microphone? A microphone stand? A compressor? A USB box? Headphones? Podcasting software?

Seriously, that’s all you need to get started.

9.) What’s My Format?

Do you want to take guest calls? Will you execute lots of interviews? Should you keep it open mic style and chat away to your audience? Do you want a partner to add in a layer of spontaneity?

Having a rough idea of how each episode will be laid out will add structure and flow to your delivery! Remember, you can always change or adapt down the line.

10) How Do I Get My Podcast Out There?

Where do you start? What about hosting, storage, and streaming?

Let TalkShoe bring you into the podcasting community and support you on your exciting journey. With everything you need to host a podcast all in one place, all you have to worry about is creating exciting content. TalkShoe ensures search engine optimization, and unlimited and free cloud hosting while providing state-of-the-art administrative tools and zero downloads!

Sign up for your free TalkShoe account below!
